
Our whole conference mostly self funded! Though this year we have already received sponsorship through the Gathering for Open Science Hardware! Thanks so much and join their forum to discuss all things about art, technology, and science!

If you would like to provide extra support for travel stipends and documentation for participants, you can donate now!

Send Payments

Square Cash– use a debit or credit card  (USA) – https://cash.me/$AndrewQuitmeyer

Paypal – Paypal account or debit cards (international) paypal.me/hikinghack

Venmo https://venmo.com/hikinghack

(for venmo don’t write that it is for like “conference fees,” just write like “splitting cost of housing in Panama” which is what you are doing)

Credit or Debit CardsPAYPALCREDIT (Only use this link if this is your only option, and you need to add a 5% processing fee that Paypal charges)

Donate Cryptocoin


*Please note that none of this is tax deductible or anything.  In the same way that this conference is just us renting out a space that you can hang out on if you want, sending money to this is just you handing us a bit of cash for some reason.

**Also note that donating money does not increase your chances of your application being accepted whatsoever. Only send money if you think this is a fun thing to support even if you are not coming at all.